Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Want to Know?

I want to start off by thanking all those who left comments about my question yesterday. It is so therapeutic to read that we are all worried/excited/scared about something, sometimes the same things.

Amy worries about her daughter struggling in school and medical bills. Yet she takes it one day at a time and life goes on. Petra Michelle wants to visit every state and hopes for a crystal ball(more on this in a moment) Rhondalue has lots of worries, like accidents and scammers and clutter, but counters with a list of joys/blessings in her life. Emma has concerns with how her kids deal with her divorce and where the road leads in the years to come, but cites an awesome serenity saying to help her through. Tulsi is excited to have her son coming home soon and her children close to her. She looks for the good and finds it. Keeping in unity worries about bad neighbors and bills but sees her own abilities grow and flourish. Breanne worries about her daughter and seizures, her husband leaving for Iraq and health problems but is like Rhondalue happy for the blessings in her life. Kelly worries about money and I know everyone else is worried about something.

So on to the question for all to consider. If you could know how your life was going to turn out, or even a portion of it, would you want to know? Now hold on there people. Don't go skipping down to the comments just yet. I want you to really think about what knowing the future could mean. First of all, would you become discouraged because things happened the way you hoped they wouldn't? What if things turn out great, would it now lose its excitement?

In ever time traveling movie I can think of, if you change even the tiniest thing, you alter the future. Does that change your answer? If you knew something was going to happen would you be able to prevent it? Or maybe you just make it worse. Maybe what you do trying to prevent it is what causes 'it' to happen.

What about loved ones passing on. Would you want to know when they pass? Could you bear to know? I am just asking the questions and hoping to stimulate some response. I for one do not think I could handle it. While knowing how much time you have left may seem nice, I would just be grieving that much sooner or denying, thinking I could prevent it.

I know this question can have many sides and may need time for serious thought. Please comment and let me know what you think about it. Are we better off not knowing? Or would we be better off knowing how it ends?

Can't wait to read what you brilliant people have to say on this.

Have a great day!


EmmaP said...

sometimes when i am reading a book and things are not going the way "i planned" for the characters, i stop where i'm at, thumb through some of the chapters in the back in search of a happy moment; though I never skip to the end. I just need to know that there's gonna be at least one more moment of happiness. As long as I find that, then I can go back to where I left off and pick up the story again.

I think this is what I do with life too. Sometimes I get soooo stressed or worried about something. It's like - how am i gonna make it through this? but then I remember all of the hard times/bad times/sad times I have ALREADY gone through and think, "Wow! I CAN do hard things!" which then turns my mind to "And I CAN do this/get through this." I think we create our own synergry, and that positive thinking plays a MAJOR part in this. Though I still can't help but worry sometimes, I also am always actively seeking solutions/resolutions/peace. The hardest thing of course is to, as someone once said, "Let Go and Let God." But If I have FAITH (which I do) that there will come a time -- another happy chapter in my life -- then I can go on.

I don't need to see the end from the beginning; I just need to know it will all be worth it. That is what helps me persevere and keep on keepin on, and keep the faith.

Rhonda said...

Nope. Don't want to know. It takes all the suspense out of life. And sometimes the unknown is the only thing we have to look forward to in dull little lives where the world revolves around kids and work. Ugh.

Ronda's Rants said...

No...I don't want to know. I would start to alter too much of my life!
I try to live my life as if I may die tomorrow. I tell my kids everyday that I love them, My Hubby and my parents. I try to resolve conflict as best as I can. That's it! I am old so very old...and I have learned things always get better...or they don't but I will deal with it as best as I can!

Rhonda said...

I'm with the previous commenters...I wouldn't want to know.

I am a religious person so I think there is a divine plan and it's up to us walk our own path to happiness, knowing that all challenges and obstacles are placed around me (up to my eyeballs sometimes!!!) to help me grow and develop and learn.

It ain't easy but I wouldn't want to know the future. I know all along the way I can find happiness if I can just keep focused on that. Even after losing my father suddenly a few months ago....I lived prior to that visiting him, telling him how I appreciated him, etc. So--no regrets when we strive to live daily like today is OUR last day or our LOVED ONE'S last day.

ADVERSE! said...

hmmm this is a tough one.i read emmap about flicking through books lol ,i also do this and sometimes i even read the last page and im alwayssssssss dissapointed,i try really hard to not read end pages now.other times i get near the end of a book and i dont want it to hmmmm as i hav been through ivf cycles for a baby and havent got a child i sometimes do think i wished i knew if i was or wasnt ever goin to b a mum,as in reality i do not know the answer to this and i did put my life on hold for a long time i decided to stop trying and guessin really n im getting along with other imo more achieveable goals, so no i wouldnt wanna know the future,i think i would b bored and v disturbed by knowing on the whole. What flippin great questions you ask!

Erin The Great said...

Having a 'Fix-it' type of personality, I would want to fix what was wrong, and if things were going great, I'd be afrain of messing it up! I honestly couldn't handle knowing to much about my future

Anonymous said...

I would be afraid to know and feel I could not handle anything bad or unhappy. As for the good stuff it would be a pleasant surprise.

Mike said...

I can't remember what I did yesterday. If somebody told me what was going to happen tomorrow, I wouldn't remember when I woke up the next day.

Dementia - everyday's a surprise.

Sahara said...

I'm thinking no. I have recently decided that the end doesn't matter as much as the journey we take to get there. I think it is in the journey where we grow, learn, love etc. And since I believe that we all just keep on learning, and loving and growing that ends are really just journeys to another end which is just another journey... ok, enough of that. So knowing about the future would make me feel like I was missing out on some of the learning, loving and growing that I was going to do with my future experiences. (I also believe there is a divine or perfect order to everything)

Amy said...

I've always been the curious, impatient type, but I'd have to say no. I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason (good or bad) and even good things can come from something bad happening. I wouldn't want to change anything and mess up something good in the process.

Wow! You really have us thinking :D

3 Magpies said...

How miserable I would be if I did not have faith that tomorrow will be better than today. It is the circle of life that, just as I was born, I will one day die. It could be tomorrow, but I'm thinking that no matter what, tomorrow will be a great day. Que sera sera...

My first visit to your blog in a loooong time. Quite nice!

Tulsi said...

I wouldn't want to know. Having a recent unexpected death of a boy we love recently, I would have been holding my breath if I had known. If I thought something I did would change the direction of my life, I would worry about every decision and I would not live life. I would be more worried about life.

Dee said...

HI,I am a first time visitor. I think you have a very lively and interesting blog. The Lord tells us to live for today. Do not look back, or look at tomorrow. I am sure he has a very good reason for telling us this. Dee

Jed said...

Great question. I would not want to know. No way, no how. We definitely need to live each day to the fullest and trust in the lord, giving all the glory to him.

Maybe I would want to know whether the Chicago bears win another super bowl, that would take the fun out of watching all in all, no, I would not want to know what the future will bring.

Aunt Julie said...

I take life day-by-day. I'm not much about looking into the future. Unless a vacation is coming up...and, well, we can't afford to go away. I can always hope!

Ashley. Unscripted... said...

No, I wouldn't want to know. I'm not a big fan of surprises in general, but life is something you only get one shot at. I prefer to just take it as it comes, I don't want to know what's waiting. I would probably never leave my house if I knew something bad was waiting for me on the other side.

tiki_lady said...

very simple. No, i don't want to know any of it. I just have to be prepared and ready to accept what may. My biggest fear is Mr. Incredible is killed. and you know why I fear because how will I take care of 4 kids etc. Before he left his last job, i was set for life.
He had a 2 million dollar life insurance policy which doubled if he was hurt to or from or en route.

The new job he accepted pays more money but the life insurance does not work the same way. If we want that type of coverage we have to pay for it, work payed all premiums in his last job.
Now, he has to take a physical too. I can't mention who he works for now or who he worked for in the past! I did on my blog once and the search engines went out and the head of corporation called and contacted him. I had to take it off my blog. UGH!

Buttons and Dots Photography said...

I don't want to peak at the future as much as I would like to go back with the knowledge I have now. I know I would change alot of things and I am sure it would change the future, but t may be a risk worth taking for me.

Anonymous said...

No,I don't want to know. I love that life is full of choices I get to make. Would hate to think that by knowing then the choices where already made as to what was going to happen.

Life is like a roller coaster for me. I love the ups and downs. Although the horses of the merry go round are pretty. I would rather ride the roller coaster of life

Aleta said...

I wouldn't want to know. That's one of the charms/curses about life (depending upon what's going on at the time). You just don't know and that's Ok. Accepting it and moving on is a life lesson. I don't want to find out and then figure out a new set of rules. I wouldn't want to know when a person is supposed to pass. The people that I love, know that I love them. It's a daily thing that I share with them. If I knew when they were to pass, it would be depressing and sad. I'd want to be ignorant and joyful with those I love.

Kaye Butler said...

You certainly know how to make us think.

I know that I could not handle knowing what was going to happen. It was hard enough finding these things out when they be able to know and dwell on them for any amount of time...I think the mental hospitals would be over flowing.

Would I really have wanted to know that my mother flat out lied to my brothers and I for years about why our dad left? I have a really close relationship with him now as an adult that might not exsist if I had been able to know him as a teen...I believe that finding out the truth about my mother, in adulthood, I was better prepared for it and handled well. I don't speak to her often enough probably, but enough for me to be satisfied and not have all the drama to go with it.

What would have happened to Mary Margaret and Taylor if I had known taking them to raise would cause so much pain to me, my husband, them. They don't understand why their mother doesn't want them or why their father has a new family and never stops by to see them. I don't understand why Tim and I do not get the least bit of respect from his family for taking these precious girls to raise. The girls are better off with us and I would rather not see the pain in their eyes and hearts over their mother and father. I do know that if we hadn't agreed to take them, we might not know where to look for them...its been 13 years I've had some regrets, but I do not want a do over.

I do however wish I could have a do over with some conversations with several people...

ACK said...

My philosophy teacher gave us this question in school.

We are made up from the way we handle things and react to things.

We all would be a lot better if we knew what the reward was in the end.

And for all you relegious people, myself included, we have been told that the reward is great in heaven - so if we knew or didn't know - would that change the way we behave?

If I knew that by marrying my husband we would be poor, our kids would have health problems and we would be rejected by our family and friends when we suddenly came into money - I would not have chose this path and missed out on all the blessings that have come with it.

Jess said...

I've had a lot of grief in my life. With each significant bad thing that happens, I am prompted to think about "I wish I had known". The reality is, I wouldn't have wanted to know because you'd stress about the bad things. I think things happen for a reason and to be able to change them would alter who we are and what is really in store for us.

The bottom line is you just gotta live one day at a time and deal with what comes at you when it comes.

I like your blog - I just added myself as a follower!

MissKris said...

No. As a Christian, I try very hard to take one day at a time. I consider each morning when I awaken to be a new gift. I have a very deep confidence in God and in knowing that He is in control of my life and my destiny. I take great comfort in the scripture that tells me He knows every hair on my head. He has taken me thru a lot of very deep water and dark times in my life, and I have always come out fine on the other side. Whatever is ahead of me, I know He'll be there with me, too. He has never forsaken me.

Claremont First Ward said...

There has only been one time in my life when I would have given anything to know the was when I was in the hospital with my twins and I didn't know if they would make it. Otherwise, I am content to live life in the present! :)

Jed said...

As much as I think I want to know, I dont want to know. I think part of lifes excitement is the unknown and that we can work towards our goals.

Be cool to know some things though!

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