There were no rules associated with this award, but I wanted to pass it along to just a few of the blogs I like. So, in no particular order I award the following blogs:
I would award even more blogs but then it would diminish the value. I encourage those who got an award to pass on the award to other blogs they think deserve it.
Okay, that is done. I want to say I have not been disappointed with most of the blogs I check out or others have turned my attention to. I will still link anyone to this blog who would like me to. The rules are the same: You must tell me you want me to link to you in a comment and you need to leave your URL (blog address).
That being said I want you to know that I intend to keep this blog readable by all who would like to come by. I will not link to objectionable sites or blogs with objectionable content. I will be the judge of what is objectionable. I implore the readers of this blog to inform me if they find a link of which they think might fit into this category. I do read every blog I link to but not all previous posts etc. And things can slip through the cracks.
WOW! I sound so Gestapo-ish. Enough of that, just keep the comments coming. I hope you guys are having as much fun as I am.
Wow! Congrats on your highly esteemed award! You must just be so proud of your baby - you blog! Oh gosh...now you've got me all choked up! Tissue please?
Anyway - I love the blog, and thanks for making it over to mine again. I always love it when you visit!
Please link me up to yours!!! http://emmacmiller.blogspot.com
Hey, thanks for stopping by! I had a really bad day yesterday with my kids and decided I no longer want to be a parent. Now, I just have to find a way to get out of it.... lol
Congrats on your award! I am looking around but all I have to do is ask and you will Link me Up, Scotty? Well, Link me up Scotty!
Thanks, Ronda at http://rondasrants.blogspot.com.
I am 50 years old ...What could I write about that is objectionable?
Thanks for noticing me! I just talk alot. The beginning of the school year always has interesting fodder. I'll pass the award along. Or "Pay it Forward" if you know the movie. I can't watch it again because it is so sad.
I'm not sure of the link thing exactally, but my blog address is www.thefamilyawaits.blogspot.com
I haven't set it to private, so what the heck.
(holding back the tears)...
....feeling a lil preclempt here.....Talk amongst yourselves for a moment.
OK WHAT THE HECK?! I'd like to thank all my children, my lovely subject matter and tax deductions and reason for getting a blog award!!! I knew they were good for somethin' more than whining and handing money to! saweet..those 6 lil buggers finally paid off!
(snatching blog award and running)
Oh, I'd love to be linked.
There's just something so satisfying knowing someone reads your blog! :)
Have I told you you remind me of my BFF from HS? Yep, all that I can see from your profile picture anyway.
Congrats on your award.
First off congrats on your award, very well deserved.
Thanks so much for nominating me. I' am honored, and I have not gotten around to checking blogs, So I'm going to have to think of something clever for the eighties game :)
Thank you so very much! Very kind of you, Stalker.
Wow. My first award for something, and it was given to me by a stalker. I not so humbly accept. ;D !!!! Hmm. Where do I put it? As far as I know, there is no trophy case widget on these things. I will just have to put "Award-winning" before my blog title.
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