So, Not a lot of help from you guys on the selection process. Thanks for nothing. 
Rhondalue, thank you for the nomination of PracticallyJoe. After a short consideration I whole heartedly agree. Without any other nominations I was forced to pick four more out of a pool of many definitely worthy blogs.
And the winners are: (drum roll please)
1. PracticallyWisdom, Check Joe out, he's great.
2. ScarryMommie, thanks for the comment. (warning: Side bar cursing...but is a child quote that serves as a great reminder that we are mentors to our children and other children who may look to us as an example)
3. I had someone picked in this spot but turns out they already had the award. My brain is too fried to have to sort out a new winner, sorry folks.(do people really still say folks?)
4.LifeHappens, because it does, and I have a soft spot for 80's posts.
5.VeggieMom, thanks for the comment

Rhondalue, thank you for the nomination of PracticallyJoe. After a short consideration I whole heartedly agree. Without any other nominations I was forced to pick four more out of a pool of many definitely worthy blogs.
And the winners are: (drum roll please)
1. PracticallyWisdom, Check Joe out, he's great.
2. ScarryMommie, thanks for the comment. (warning: Side bar cursing...but is a child quote that serves as a great reminder that we are mentors to our children and other children who may look to us as an example)
3. I had someone picked in this spot but turns out they already had the award. My brain is too fried to have to sort out a new winner, sorry folks.(do people really still say folks?)
4.LifeHappens, because it does, and I have a soft spot for 80's posts.
5.VeggieMom, thanks for the comment
Please take your award and display it proudly on your blog. Then link it back to me and pay it forward by awarding other blogs you deem worthy.
Okay, that was harder than I thought it would be, so many more of you are as equally deserving. Make sure and visit these blogs and enjoy them yourself.
SO, I wanted to see what everyone is doing this weekend. In the U.S.A., where I tend to get most of my comments, it is going to be a three day weekend. Labor day is on Monday and most people do not have work or school. Of course the police, fire, and military do not take the time off. But I digress.
Tell me what you guys are planning for this weekend. Or what your not planning. And one final note: Why do they call it "labor" day when the majority of you do not labor? Just wondering
So, if you want a laugh, call650-388-1117. Then text the number to your friends and tell them to call you at that number asap. (stolen shamelessly from JillJillboBill)
Okay, that was harder than I thought it would be, so many more of you are as equally deserving. Make sure and visit these blogs and enjoy them yourself.
SO, I wanted to see what everyone is doing this weekend. In the U.S.A., where I tend to get most of my comments, it is going to be a three day weekend. Labor day is on Monday and most people do not have work or school. Of course the police, fire, and military do not take the time off. But I digress.
Tell me what you guys are planning for this weekend. Or what your not planning. And one final note: Why do they call it "labor" day when the majority of you do not labor? Just wondering
So, if you want a laugh, call650-388-1117. Then text the number to your friends and tell them to call you at that number asap. (stolen shamelessly from JillJillboBill)
You've given awards to some that I've never visited! I'm going to be sure to get to them sometime today!
This weekend my husband is working (He's a fireman.) so me and the girls will probably spend the weekend fighting, as usual. Ugh!
Oh yeah! And my parents are taking all three of my girls for a sleep over on Saturday night! How cool is THAT? It so rarely happens, I'm very excited!
It's a long weekend in Canada also!! Wahooo!
I found were you are "from". Whew. It takes me a second, but I get there. I'm still wondering which of the Village People you would be!!
Well, my adult children and I use that term loosely are going away for the weekend so I have doggie duty but I love their dog so that is fine! My Hubby and I will relax at home this weekend and go out and eat and go see movies! Our favorite things to do! number funny!
checking in here from mom & pops in carson city, nv. swimming, relaxing, playing games, and of course eating TOO much!!!!!!! no worries - BigMouthBrenda is babysitting the blog for me while i am gone. definitely check it out.
BTW, congrats on the award.
well thanks for coming by my place yesterday, it was great to see ya!
and i'm glad that even though you came to denver (at one point), and not for fun; you actually did have fun. it is a great place to live and really easy to get around (seeing as we have lots of freeways and an even better light rail/public transit system--we were feature on the nbc nightly news before the dnc)
fun spot you've got here...
I'm just having a hurricane for the weekend! Wish I had better plans!! Hope you have a good weekend!
Awwww, thanks!!!!
I WILL be laboring this weekend in the garden. It's an embarrassment. Have a great weekend! :)
I think it's called 'Labor Day' because at one time a lot of babies were born on this day.
This weekend? Well, I'll be blogging, fo' shizzle. What else? I certainly won't be laboring too much--school starts on Monday, and I've got to save my energy!
Blogstalker ... fellow bloggers ... and especially Rhondalue from Whettenhappenings ...
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for this wonderful honor. It was only months ago when I decided to share my thoughts with the world and never in a million years would I had envisioned the journey I've had leading to this day. If I could help put a smile on at least one face a day with what I have to say, I will certainly exit a happy man. (Music starting ...) I would like to thank my loving wife who gives me a lot of the subject matter I write about (Music getting louder ...) ... my cable guy who just fixed my internet connection ... (Music getting even louder and louder ...) ... oh ... and Google for making this all possible and mom and ... (Music stops ... and ... cut to commercial)
I'm going to be laboring. Really.
We went on the Mountain behind our house, just for a few hours. I think we are so lucky to live here!!! But as Steve is UHP and in charge of 3 or 4 counties (sad that I'm not positive) he will be on the road Monday, and is always on call. He still works the road because he does as his troopers do. The office is claustrophobic lately. As a warning, do not speed or do any traffic infractions anywhere in Utah. Especially from St. George to Nephi. It is a famous "you are caught zone".
Hey!! I labor! I labor alot!! I lead a very laborious life. It's hard.
My lovely wife Dulcinea and I are delegates from Arizona to the Republican National Convention this weekend.
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