Sunday, June 7, 2009

to Facebook or not to Facebook?

So how many of you out there facebook? And what is the deal with that term?

I know there are many groups and thoughts on the matter. Heck, the term facebooking has even emerged. I have to admit, I am in the dark ages about it. I thought it was merely a fad that was for the kids. And in all reality, I think that is how it was first marketed.

So I have been an anti-facebooker. I am overly watchful of what my kids do on facebook and tended to roll my eyes when other grown-ups would mention for someone to check them out on facebook.

And then the bomb was dropped.

Spouse announced one day that they had started a facebook page. WHAT! I thought we were a united front. You know, both unwilling to become too hip with the latest fads. But turns out I was wrong. Spouse was just too cool. Just had to be a joiner. Oh well, last I would have to know about it right?

WRONG! It was not enough to join, spouse as well as older kids now had to taunt me into joining. It started small and innocent with comments that I could know more about what was going on with everyone. Then it started with comments about all the old friends that were requesting to be friends.

No problem I said, I don't really have any old friends I need to find. But that was just not good enough. Why is it that everyone wants me to start facebooking? I know it is not some kind of cult, but why is it so important for everyone that I join?

So now friends of mine have joined and are "friends" with spouse and kids. Okay, maybe starting to feel a little left out.

Then I start getting messages from siblings who live on the other side of the country, "through my spouses facebook"

I am feeling like I have been ganged up on. In fact, I got up from this post and came back and "someone" had wrote the final line as "AND SO I JOINED!"

Maybe it is hopeless. Maybe I am fighting an unwinnable fight. But now I am dug in and determined. We will see how long I can hold out. I have to admit, I do entertain the idea but just don't see the point.

So, what say you my fellow bloggers?

Do you facebook?

What is your opinion on the whole idea?

As always, Have a great day!


Juliana said...

I must admit, I am loving faceboook. I liked myspace for a long time but recently everyone went to facebook. It is a great way to keep in is slightly addicting as well...

Mike said...

Just say no to facebook. Just another time sink.

"that they had started"
Nice dodge.

Rhonda said...

I do facebook. And have been doing so for a few years now. I am usually the one taking on reunion plans and invites and it made our last reunion so much easier!!

Mainly now, I just check out status reports. It's my way of staying "in touch" with friends without actually having to put forth any effort!! lol

EmmaP said...

Facebook 101:

A "Facebook" is a compilation of students pictures ("faces"), sort of like a very basic yearbook. But it was something universities, private schools, etc. used to give their incoming new students as a way to put "faces" with names.

The Internet version of Facebook was started by 2 Harvard braniacs that decided to make a "virtual" facebook rather than the old "print" version. This was purely started for incoming Harvard Students. After a few years, the internet Facebook version expanded to includ the other ivy leagues in Boston as a way for these "elite" students to network. Finally, it expanded to the local high school students, and now it is open to anyone (age 13 +) worldwide.

That being said... I am a Facebook User. At first I was part of the Facebook Resistance, hehehe. I had a MySpace account, but I didn't like that. It wasn't "controlled" as much and not as user-friendly. I finally gave in and joined Facebook. I don't mess around with all of the "games" and "fun applications". I use it strictly for networking, connecting with old friends, and keeping up with my family which is now spread out throughout the country (and the world...aka, Iraq). I like being able to see what people are up to or creating my own status updates. For example, just this last week, my aunt passed away and my sister had a baby. Details surrounding both events were sent out via facebook. The thing I like about Facebook is that you control your own security settings. And if you don't want someone to know where you are, you can "block" them. I experimeted with this with my teenage son. I blocked him and then had him try to "find" me on Facebook. He even looked on our "mutual friends" friend lists. But my profile was hidden to him on every front. It was as if I didnt even have a facebook account. I am not like one of those who "collects" friends on FB. I dont accept the friends i dont want to accept, plain and simple. anyway - I guess I like facebook because you can use it minimally or to it's fullest "potential" and still make it fit your lifestyle.

...this was not a paid advertisement on behalf of facebook. The opinions expressed in this comment belong solely to the author (me)... hehehe!

...[subliminal message]...join Facebook...join Facebook...

Anonymous said...

I don't facebook or twitter. I just don't have a desire to do either. I think facebook is becoming less a fad than it was. I just read an article where quite a few older folks have dropped their accounts. There will always be something new. But for now, I am perfectly content writing stuff for my blog.

Jen @ said...

I joined a while ago. I was kind of anti-facebook though. And I ignored it for a long time. I also didn't put my maiden name on it because I didn't want to be contacted by anyone I knew from way back when. Then I got braver and put it on. Some of the people that have friended me have done it just for the numbers, but I have gotten in touch with some people who really matter to me. So for that I do like facebook.


Ronnica said...

I've been facebooking for almost 5 years now. I joined shortly after they opened it to my university. I like's a great way to stay in touch with those I new in college.

Anonymous said...

Facebooker here! I started because it was the only way to find out about my 20 year high school reunion. It quickly put in touch with long lost friends. It has been fun to chat with them, see photos of the children and set up meetings. I don't play any of the games, I think they are a waste of time. Like EmmaP... I do not collect names. Every one on my FaceBook is freinds from High school/college/church, & family. I love that I can know what is going on with family right away. This is infact the only way my sister and I talk right now. Because of how busy we are and living so far apart.

You asked, now you have my story book answer!

Tulsi said...

I never had a Myspace. It seemed like a silly teen thing to me. But then it also seemed like a forum for kids to be mean without having to say something face to face. I got on facebook a couple of months ago when a friend invited me. I did one for my husband, who has NO interest. I add his friends and tell him who added him. He doesn't even know his own password. I just wanted my facebook page to show I was married to him is how he got listed. I fully prefer my blog. I'll add comments here and there. I've found people I haven't seen for 25 or more years. And some I didn't like in HS and have no interest in. Why they would want to add me, I have no clue. We clashed. I've heard that facebook is a "friend collector" place. I don't need to collect friends to be fine. In conclusion, I could live with out facebook, dislike myspace, and love my blog.

Tulsi said...

Oh yeah, I talk to much for the facebook space given to write in. Betcha didn't know that about me.

Summer said...

My seventy-six-year-old father is on Facebook, along with many of his colleagues and generation. It's not as teeny-bopper a thing as MySpace is. You aren't subjected to stuid music and decorations. Joining isn't any earth-shattering decision. It's just a smart move for anyone who like being part of society...

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I have not yet taken the Facebook's getting more difficult to resist, but I hear it's a ginormous time suck!

Night Owl Mama said...

Slowly Raising Hand...YEP I'm a facer, facebooker, I'm a booker, what the hell do you call those people on Facebook?? lol
I've had a page for awhile. I originally started to stalk my son. Lol. DID he friend me? Yep he sure did. woo owhoo. Now I have my spouses friends old classmates, old neighborhood friends, relatives and anyone else that knows him lookin for him on my page. OH hey that remind me I' haven't checked my email there in a while. Better go check in. LOL. happy facing....LOL or whatever it is
thanks for the tunes & the visit!

petra michelle; Whose role is it anyway? said...

Nope, don't facebook although blogger friends have invited me to their facebook accounts. My friends don't. My niece does, which explifies your point. Originally, adults didn't, but it is a fast-moving trend. And it does take up time, just as blogging does. Honestly, I don't know how bloggers who facebook and twitter do it! Where do they have the time? Have fun with it, whatever you decide to do, Blogstalker!
Have a great day! :))

Marie Reed said...

I have found or have been found by soooooo many of my old friends on Facebook! It rocks! I think that it's actually important to have an account even if you rarely use it for that reason:)

Anonymous said...

I've done it - quit it. Did twitter - quit - may go back. Waiting on the next thing that, hopefully, won't consume any more time than is absolutely necessary. I'm quite a bit apathetic about all right now.



Messy Jess said...

Facebook is just a place to quench your knowledge of who is doing what - and can get quite exciting when you have members of your church leaving comments all over the place and the fact that you can ban relatives and annoying friends makes it central gossip station.


Rhonda said...

I facebook. I like it. Don't feel like I HAVE to do it. I check in here and there and when someone writes on my wall it gets sent to my email. So yah, I do it...when I have time. Don't fret about it when I don't.

Breezi@ Not Your Average Fairytale said...

I'm a facebooker as well.
My mother recently got me into an app called FARM TOWN. Can we say addicting? I never thought farming could be that fun. ;)

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Yep, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. I held out as long as I could, but I have to admit, you can keep in touch with a lot more people without having to pick up the phone if you don't have time. It's like walking into a room full of friends. Sort of. But not really.

Anna said...

So, I need to find you in facebook:) I like it too.

Ronda's Rants said...

Yes...I have a facebook account and just started twitter...which is dumb! I can't believe that is "the next big thing!"
I do like facebook though...
My friends children grown and teenagers have asked to "friend" me and I think this is incredibly sweet!
So...blogstalker...What's your name on facebook?
I like blogging, too though!

MissKris said...

I joined it a few months ago. I deactivated it within a few weeks and plan on leaving it in the Realms of Never Never Land. Blah. Boring. I was never sucked in to MySpace. But then again, I am not a social creature. I do not care if such-and-such is wondering what to cook for dinner. I do not need to know they went to the store to buy milk and bananas. My time on here is fleeting enough as it is. I don't need to waste time THERE!

ADVERSE! said...

i tryed facebook 3times before i got into it, and mainly i stuck with it as i got addicted to mafia wars dont have to hav deep n meanfuls on there, but its a good way to keep intouch with folk without making alot of effort. I have been pleasantly supprised by some old skool mates that ive met up with ect, has its upsides and down. I love peoples pictures of nites out ect, although its quiet pretentious too lol cant have it all can ya.good for a giggle x

My Fun Stalkers Who Rock